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Benefits of a Psychic Reading

- Insight and Guidance

- Closure

- Self-Discovery

- Validation

- Emotional Healing

- Spiritual Connection

- Overcoming Past Trauma

Psychic Reading with Jules 

Julie's Story

 Julie is a Psychic Medium, which means the ability to connnect with your past over loved ones and ancestors, spirit guides and guardian angels.  


Connect with Julie for a one on one personal psychic reading via zoom for 1 hour. Julie has an ability since a young child to connect with past over loved ones, spirit guides and guardian angels to deliver messages via spirit. An ability that was handed down from her late grandma, Maureen Chesher.  

Maureen had this ability since the age of 5years old when she saw her first spirit.  She continued on to be a Reverend and Psychic Medium of her own Spiritualist Church on the Redcliffe Peninsula for years and years.  Julie’s grandma, Maureen passed over into the other realm in January 2023.  Julie is living her Grandmother’s legacy to pass on the incredible work Maureen did to help others.  She feels guided and directed each and every day by her grandma, and hopes that she can help even half the amount of people that Maureen did when she was alive. 


Julie's readings are intended to give you guidance, direction, closure and any important messages that spirit feels you need at this present time.


Some people can have the assumption that psychic readings are scary or something bad may happen, but they are your past over loved ones that come through, or spirit guides and guardian angels who are watching over you, and want to help you with your life on the earthly plane.  They can only bring you messages of guidance when they have your permission to do so.  


This is why we must remember, to ASK.  If you ask them for help, then they can.  Doing a psychic reading can open up this channel for you to receive much needed messages that you may have been wanting to hear or receive for a while.  


Quite often, Jules finds that her readings can really help people move forward from things such as;  childhood trauma, anxieties, lack of confidence, low self esteem, battling with what direction to take in life. 


Message from Jules - “If it wasn’t for my beautiful Grandma Chesher, I wouldn’t be doing psychic readings today.”  “I always felt a little different as a child, teenager and then adult, and one day when grandma asked me to do readings all day at her church for charity, I couldn’t say no.  Despite my anxiety about delivering messages to strangers in the general public, I didn’t want to let grandma down.”  “This changed my life, that day everyone that came out of that room, told the next person to go see Julie for a reading.  I made the most sales that day for Grandma’s church, and it gave me the confidence to know that I could use my ability for the greater good, and I actually felt so happy within myself that I was helping and making a difference to people who actually needed some closure and could move on with their life in a more positive way.”


I have Grandma to thank for using my psychic mediumship ability to this day, and I love and miss her dearly, but I know that she is still very close to me everyday guiding me, which in turn helps me guide others.  


I am grateful for anyone who trusts in me to do their readings, it is not something I take lightly.  


Much love light and happiness always, 


Jules xo 

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Belinda T 

Jules I love your readings so much. Always feel more stable and at ease after.  You truly have a beautiful gift 

Cath M

Thank you so much Jules. You are soooo sooo amazing at what you do. I am so grateful for your help with my Medical Intuition appointments this year. It has been the most amazing experience and so helpful to me, both physically and spiritually. I am so blessed. Not only does Jules have a genuine gift of spiritual connection, she is just a lovely, caring person too. I highly recommend Jules for helping with you mind-body/spiritual healing. Book in now, you won't regret it!

Ainsley M

I've had 3 psychic reading sessions with Julie and each one has blown me away! Her accuracy is ridiculous and before her, I'd wasted tons of money seeing psychics which made me cynical. With each session I get a growth spurt which changes everything for me. A massive thanks to you Jules! And am excited about doing more with you xx

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